

What is Holister?


Holister is a logistics company that aims to aid Bangladesh’s expanding e-commerce sector by providing tech-first courier service and parcel delivery. With exclusive features and a talented workforce, Holister gives the delivery service industry of Bangladesh a brand new pace. You can use our courier service/ parcel delivery to deliver across Bangladesh, Holster delivers for both businesses and individuals. For courier service in Bangladesh, rely on us for

Fast and effective delivery.
B2B (Importers To Wholesalers)

Developing relationships can be time-intensive but is critical to business growth and, at Holister Private LTD, we pride ourselves on an enviably strong network of contacts, composed of distributors market globally. For example, given our long history in the industry and market knowledge, we know only too well that distribution impacts significantly on turnover. So, for this reason, we have territory-leading distributors that we deem highly competitive in their areas of expertise in our succinct Recommended Distributors list. If you’re looking for a step-up on that level of support, we can offer our knowledge and help you apply it to your current distributor network.

We provide service to B2C (Retailers to Customers) and C2C (Customer to Customers).


Registration process is very simple. Join us as individual or merchant and start sending your parcels in a flash.

Less Cost

We provide countries lowest cost parcel delivery service. Also it will be a faster delivery with us.

Join us and see it for yourself !




厂商:Zarif Rashid Ahmed



