

更新时间: 2021-07-30 12:06:14

版本号: 1.0



Blade of hell is the game of courage, dedication and commitment. Welcome and test yourself through the rough targets. You will face some of the dangerous targets while playing this game. Targets that if you miss will not think for second to spare you, so make sure you get them first. You will be tested for your speed of making decision on what target to choose to rain the hell of your blade. Your blade is your only chance to survive in this game, so make sure to give your targets hell of a fight.
Let me tell you a real story. Earth under threat, alien invasion and UFO's, those are not the only things that we should be afraid of. Well the story is a bit different here. Of course there is an alien invasion but, not the way how usually it takes place. This time aliens have choose to stay behind the war lines and attach. What i mean is, this time aliens are sending their advanced drones through worm hole on your earth. Aliens are trying to attack us with their drones and not so normal drones, drones are designed to be looked like the objects that we have in our daily lives. We cannot make tell a difference if it is a drone or any normal object. It may be balloons, balls, guns, bikes or anything else. But one thing i know that we are not going to back down from the war. No matter what the drones look like, we will hit them and we will hit them hard.
The worm holes are opening at the different location on earth, and we have to go at every location one by one to bit them. Well this is our time to be a hero and we will be one for our earth, for humanity, for our only home. We cannot use any advance weapons over here. Yeah you heard me right, we cannot, but we have something much better, We Have BLADES! Blades that can tear anything apart, blades that can get in anyone's heart, blades that could give hell to those alien drones.
Aim it and Swing it! and trust me, you will get the satisfaction that you never had with anything else. This is not the first time, that someone have tried to crack the earth and people on it and this is not gonna be last. So we will keep on fighting with our blade and give them the hell of our blade. So i welcome you to BLADE OF HELL!
Lets Get Our Earth Back.




厂商:Akshay Jadhav


